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When measuring K-12 achievement, the magazine relied heavily on fourth- and eighth-graders 2011 reading and math test results. It also took into account AP scores, high school graduation rates and the difference in test scores between children who are poor enough to qualify for free lunch and those who arent. The report did find, however, that the poverty gap was narrowing in fourth and eighth grades. See the table.
The magazines chance for success index also put Louisiana near the bottom, finding that only 53 percent of 3- and 4-year-olds were enrolled in preschool and only 34 percent of children have at least one parent with a postsecondary degree. Just over three-quarters of eligible children are enrolled in kindergarten.
A breakdown of the alleged payments to Ray Nagin, and what he allegedly did for the men who provided them
Maryland topped the report card with a score of 87.5; South Dakota was at the bottom with 69.3. Louisianas 2012 score was 77.2.
Gov. Bobby Jindal said in a statement that while the state still has a long way to go, the progress shows his high-profile education reforms are working: Our kids deserve a high-quality education system so they can be prepared for the workforce. Thats why we have made bold changes to our education system.
On Monday, the state received the top ranking in the U.S. on a report card released by education reformer Michelle Rhee. That report focused on teacher evaluation policies that have not yet been completely carried out.
quality education Louisianas rank rises on national education quality report card,Louisiana jumped eight places on Education Weeks annual Quality Counts report card, from 23rd in the natioquality education Louisianas rank rises on national education quality report cardn to 15th,aduedu1655.typepad.com. though the states score of 79 was only a slight increase from 2012 and is just above the U.S. average of 76.9. The C-plus grade encompasses wide variation in subcategories: The state received neaquality educationrly a perfect score -- second place -- for its standards, assessments and accountability, while landing in 48th place for K-12 achievement.